NDCC Player Pathway

Overall aims

The purpose of the Club is to provide as many opportunities to play and enjoy the great game of cricket to as many people as possible and to reach their full potential as cricketers at whatever level that is.

We aim to encourage young people to play cricket by introducing them to the game safely and appropriately to their age and ability, providing training and experience of playing matches through the age groups and encouraging them to go and play as adults throughout their lives or enjoy cricket through umpiring or scoring.

The pathway

a) NDCC Junior Age Group Cricket
The pathway starts through the age groups, by providing to our Junior members training on a Monday evening at the Club and matches against other clubs in the North Devon Youth League, which take place on weekday evenings and Sunday mornings. Age group sides are U9, U10, U11, U12, U13 and U15. The cost to the junior player of participating in this is all covered through their one off annual junior membership fee.

b) NDCC Academy
In addition, in order to help bridge the gap between playing junior age group cricket and adult cricket, subject to availability of coaches, players who are considered capable and show an interest in playing adult cricket will be invited by the Club to join the North Devon CC academy. The academy’s purpose is simply to run training sessions at the Club (on an evening other than Monday) to prepare young players for adult cricket. This will only be for a small number of players and the youngest age group who would be considered for it is an U12.

c) Attending NDCC adult training
Adult training takes place on a Wednesday evening at the Club. It is run by the captains of the three Devon League teams. The only junior playing members of the club that may attend are those that have specifically been invited by one of the three Devon League Captains. This is for their own safety.

d) Playing NDCC Adult Cricket
NDCC play several levels of adult cricket; on a Saturday there are 3 adult teams playing in the ECB Devon Cricket League. On a Sunday there is one team playing in the North Devon Cricket League. There are multiple friendly fixtures usually midweek against touring sides. The midweek friendlies are the ideal initial introduction to adult cricket. The only junior playing members who will be considered for selection to play adult cricket are those that have either taken part in the NDCC academy sessions and been recommended as of a suitable standard or those that have already been invited to attend adult training on a Wednesday evening by one of the Devon League captains. The junior age group coaches liaise with the selection committee to discuss individuals’ progression and members of the selection committee attend junior training and fixtures to identify emerging talent. The selection committee’s decision as to whether a junior playing member is ready to play competitive or friendly adult cricket is final.

Our Sponsors

Like most local cricket clubs NDCC would not be able to survive were it not for the generosity of our sponsors. This year our main sponsor is SCC Toyota Roundswell.
