Club Officers & Committee 2024
Chairman: Mark Ansell
Pillhead House, Bideford, Devon EX39 4NF
Telephone: 07970262929.

Hon Secretary: Tony Richards
45 Goodwood Park Road, Bideford, North Devon. EX39 2RR
Telephone: 01237 477158.

Welfare Officer: Jan Witheridge
Telephone: 07749 810779

Hon Treasurer: Mark Ansell
Pillhead House, Bideford, Devon EX39 4NF
Telephone: 07970262929
Hon Fixture Secretary: Richard Clarke

Membership Secretary: Frankie Cooper
Telephone: 07850 743282
First Team Captain: Jack Moore
Telephone: 07484 759811

First Team Vice Captain: James Tyson
Telephone: 07960 454 938

Second Team Captain: Simon Wright
Telephone: 07577 479 720

Third Team Captain: Keith Williams
Telephone: 07736 769446
NDL Team Captain: James Tyson
Telephone: 07960 454 938

Tarka Ladies Manager: Jan Witheridge
Telephone 07749 810779.

Junior Co-ordinator: Simon Wright
Telephone: 07577 479 720

Other Committee Members: Andrew Cameron, Jonny Green, Matt Dart
Selection Committee 2025: Jack Moore, James Tyson, Jonny Green, Simon Wright, Richard Clarke (The selection committee meets at the club on Monday evenings at 7.45pm.
Honorary Umpires 2025: Stuart Ware, Mark Overton
Honorary Scorers 2025: Lucy Tyson, Dave Rothery, Steve Clarke
Groundsman: Andrew Cameron
Telephone: 01271 860470 Mobile: 07831 644198.

President, Vice Presidents and Patrons
Mr David Lea, Esq
Vice Presidents:
Mr F. Day, Esq
Mr J. Palmer, Esq
Mrs J. Shepherd
Mr M. J. Snell, Esq
Mrs D. Stevens
Dr B.P.A Andrews
Major General N G P Ansell
Mr A Ashworth
Mr M F Barnes
Mrs H Beecroft
Dr A G Cameron
Mr F Biederman
Mr & Mrs P Cantle
Mr A Robertson
Mr K A Palmer
Mr R J Chapple
Mr & Mrs A Frisby
Mr & Mrs M Overton
Mr B H Cooke
Dr M Curtner-Smith
Mr Peter Curzon
Mr C.B. Davies
Mr J McKinnel
Mr A Doulton
Mr J Drakeford
Mr R Q East
Mr S Thompson
Mr G White
Mr M.J Maynard
Dr J Miller
Mr & Mrs S Nicholson
Mr J Otway
Mr R Peel
Mr T Hedley
Mr & Mrs R Dart
Mr T F Richards
Mr & Mrs D Rothery
Mr G Rothery
Mr R E Sainsbury
Mr & Mrs N J Whitley
Mr P J Keeley
Mr J Sharman
Mr D Stanning
Mr R B Stone
Mr K R Symons
Mr S Smith
Mr C Townsend
Mrs M Traylor
Mr S Ware
Mr K Thompson
Mrs M Manning
Mr & Mrs A Jenn
Mr M Finney
Mr M Fishleigh
Mr & Mrs H Pearson
Mr P.R. George
Mr C Pettman
Mr C Payne
Mr P Parker
Mr S.J. Hopkins
Mr K Rutherford
Mr & Mrs M Evans
Mr N Evans
Mr J Evans
Major J S Ker
Mr H K Knighton
Mr & Mrs R Littlewood
Mr C Shipman
Mr J Maurice
Mr J Tucker
Mr B Walter
Mr D L Yorath
Chairman's Message
Welcome to North Devon CC in this very special summer, our Bi-Centenary. To think that we are continuing a 200 year tradition of playing cricket for North Devon CC is pretty
awesome. Alongside Sidmouth CC, we are the two oldest clubs in Devon, both founded in 1823 and both our 1st and 2nd XI’s will be playing each other in the Devon Cricket League (DCL) this season - our 1st XI’s will play each other in the Premier Division at Instow on Saturday 6th May, the opening day of the DCL season. This also happens to be the day of the Coronation of King Charles III, so definitely a big day to kick off the DCL season at NDCC.
We shall be celebrating the Bi-Centenary at events throughout the season, but the big date for all your diaries is the End of Season Bi-Centenary Party on Saturday 9th September.
2022 was another successful season across the club – the 1st XI under Tom Popham’s captaincy finishing 4th in the DCL Premier Division and the 2nd XI under Jonny Green’s taking their league by storm and gaining promotion to C Division East. With the 3rd XI dropping down a division to F Division East, we now have our 3 league teams spread sensibly across the league creating a great progressive path for our young talented players as they develop, alongside the opportunity to play in the North Devon League on Sundays and the many mid-week fixtures against touring teams. The other 2 key elements of the club are the North Devon Tarka Ladies and the Juniors, both of which are tirelessly organised by Jan Witheridge, for which alongside her role as Welfare Officer we are immensely grateful. Junior training will be at Instow on Monday evenings from 17th April, senior training will be on Wednesday evenings and North Devon Tarka Ladies training will be on Thursday evenings.
We are very grateful for the ongoing support of all our sponsors and this season’s sponsors day will be on Saturday 17th June for the 1st XI fixture against Cornwood CC. I also would like to take this opportunity to mention our landlord, Christie Devon Estates. We occupy our iconic ground at Instow thanks to a lease that was signed in 1884 (original rent £8 per year) and this year you will see that they have very kindly tarmacked a section of the access road, with a financial contribution from NDCC.
The club’s success is based on the incredible hard work of a fairly small group of volunteers who give up an enormous amount of their time. The more people there are in this group, the more enjoyable it is for those involved and the better it is for the health of the club. So, if you would like to help by taking on a role, however simple (such as umpiring, scoring, coaching, joining the Committee or volunteering behind the bar), then please do get in touch with myself, Tony, or another Committee member.
As committee members, our role is to be the guardians of your club and we try to make being part of the club as enjoyable and rewarding as possible, whether you are a player, patron or social member. We are doing our best, but if we do get it wrong please do feel able to offer constructive feedback to let us know, and feel able to offer help to put it right.
We wish all teams representing the club the best for a successful season, and I hope you all have a wonderful summer playing or watching cricket.
Mark Ansell, Chairman April 2023
Membership Fees 2025
For clarity – membership entitles members to park at the club on match days, at their own risk.
Cricketers – £80.00
Cricketers in Education – £60.00
Junior (to U16) - £50
Tarka Ladies & Girls (Waived if Senior or Junior Member) – £35.00
Social Members – £50
Patrons – £60.00
Patrons Partner– £30.00
Please Note
Any Adult or Junior players whose subscriptions are not paid by the 25th April will not be considered for selection in any team until the fee is paid in full.
NDCC welcome new members of any age so please do download the relevant membership form HERE and for Colts please also bring a player profile form HERE or pick up a membership form from the pavilion if you would like to join.
Membership Form Adults Player Profile Form Colts Player Profile Form
Pay for your membership and complete your player profile form online
You can pay for membership for yourself, your children or partner online by following the link below. If you or your children are playing members of the club you can complete a player profile form at the same time.
Match Fees 2025
Saturday 1st and 2nd DL Games - All Paid Up Member Cricketers £10 / Non Members £20
Saturday 3rd DL Games - All Paid Up Member Cricketers £5.00 / Non Members £15
Sunday NDL Games Cricketers - All Paid Up Member Cricketers £5.00 / Non Members £15
Tarka Ladies - £5
Midweek Friendly - Free
Match fees are payable by all players whether or not a meal is consumed
Double Nelson Club Prize Draws 2025
When you submit your membership form you have the option of purchasing tickets for the Double Nelson Club. This is a means of raising funds for the club and issuing prizes to the lucky winners over the summer. The draw is carried out 4 times a year, with three winners each time.
Each Double Nelson ticket costs £6.00.
If you wish to purchase Double Nelson tickets, then please contact Jeremy Thompson on 07773 775 454.
This year the Draw will take place in the Pavilion at 8.00pm on the last Saturday of the month:
31st May: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
28th June: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
26th July: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
30th August: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
Should the scheduled match on any of the above dates be cancelled then the draw will be postponed and take place on the next Saturday an adult game is played at Instow. Winners will be contacted via email or phone.
NDCC is a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) which means it is treated by HMRC as a charity. This means that any donations you make to the club are eligible for Gift Aid. Please complete and sign the attached Gift Aid form and email it to Tony Richards on so that we can claim the Gift Aid from HMRC and turn every £10 that you donate into £12.50.
Code of Conduct
North Devon Cricket Club is committed to promoting and maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct both on and off the field. This Code of Conduct applies to all players, officials and members of the club and any match played under the auspices of North Devon Cricket Club.
All players are asked to read and abide by the following:
Before Play
- Players must inform a member of the selection committee on or before selection meetings (Monday evenings) if they are unavailable for the following Saturday.
- Players will be informed by the respective captain of their selection and the required meeting time.
- Players who become unavailable after teams have been selected must inform the captain of the team for which they have been selected immediately, by phone.
- Late ‘cry-offs’ (Friday night or Saturday morning) disrupt your team and lower teams and are only acceptable in exceptional circumstances. Players who do not have an acceptable reason for such instances may jeopardise their selection for future games.
- Players who fail to turn up for a game will be asked to provide an explanation to the selection committee and if this is deemed unacceptable may be subject to suspension or any other sanction deemed appropriate.
- Practice is held on Wednesday evenings (6.00 pm to 8.30 pm). First Eleven players are expected to attend at least one practice per week. All players improve their chance of selection if they regularly attend practice.
On the Field
- The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the laws.
- Players, club officials and members must at all times accept the Umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards the umpire at any time.
- Players, club officials and members shall not at any time intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player, or a spectator.
- Players, club officials and members shall not use crude and/or abusive language, make offensive gestures nor deliberately distract an opponent.
- Players, club officials and members shall not make racial or sectarian comments or indulge in racial or sectarian actions against fellow players, officials, members or supporters. North Devon Cricket Club operates an ‘open door’ membership policy welcoming membership from all sections of the community.
- Players in teams below the first eleven must take their turn in umpiring, scoring or performing other tasks as instructed by the captain.
- All players must accept the decisions made by the captain on the pitch without question
North Devon Cricket Club would like to thank the following businesses and schools for their generous support;
Our main club sponsors: SCC Toyota Roundswell and Chichester Homes
Our other generous supporters;
Abercorn Surveyors
Anchor Cottage
ARC Fitness
BJ’s Value House
Blundell’s School
Christie Devon Estates
Commodore Hotel
D.Curtis & Sons Builders
Evans Transport
Fire Protection Systems
GMEC Electrical
Johns of Instow
John Smale & Co
Kingsley School
Linton Support
Mitchell & Dickinson
Phillips Smith & Dunn
Pebble Ridge Kitchen
Pure Pilates
Slee Blackwell Solicitors
St Austell Brewery
The Bell, Chittlehampton
The Boathouse, Instow
The Royal George, Appledore
Together Financial Solutions
West of England Fire Protection
West Buckland School
1978 W Shepherd
1980 W L Walter
1981 W L Walter
1982 W L Walter
1983 W L Walter
1984 D Lea
1985 C Dark
1986 C Payne
1987 W H Pain
1988 D Bates
1989 T Tyers
1990 D S Hart
1991 C Payne
1992 J M Edwards
1993 I G Matthews
1994 B J Palmer & C Dark
1995 W H Pain
1996 F L Biederman
1997 G Hudson
1998 C Payne
1999 C Payne
2000 D Smale
2001 R Dart
2002 R Heaman
2003 G Hudson
2004 M Overton
2005 R Gear
2006 W Miller
2007 M Dart
2008 S Rhodes
2009 J A Ridge
2010 J A Ridge
2011 G A Jones
2012 Paul Heard
2013 C O’Donnell & D Lea
2014 A Cameron
2015 T Allin
2016 J King
2017 J Rogers
2018 J Green
2019 J King
2020 Covid
2021 M Dart
2013 B Huxtable
2014 J Overton
2015 M Curtis
2016 K Verreynne
2017 T Popham
2018 D Bowser
2019 B Howe
2020 Covid
2021 B Howe
2011 W Miller
2012 O Hunt
2013 J Kelly
2014 T Cook
2015 J Hockin
2016 R Ayre
2017 T Cook
2018 D Hartley
2019 J Atkinson
2020 Covid
2021 R Windley
2011 R Mann
2013 J Hussell & M Merrick
2014 B Heaman
2015 A Ashworth
2016 A Popham
2017 A Ashworth
2018 M Ansell
2019 P Pennington & N Ware
2020 Covid
2021 N Ware
1986 G Garder
1987 D Bates
1988 F Biederman
1989 L Hart
1990 G Stacey
1991 L Cousins
1992 L Hart
1993 B T Darch
1994 F Biederman
1995 W Parsons
1996 P S Hockerday
1997 C Buller
1998 M Heddon
1999 C Rogers
2000 M Heddon
2002 W Miller
2003 M Heddon
2004 B Gardiner
2005 D Pickard
2006 T Allin
2010 C Overton
2011 G Querl
2012 K Elliott
2013 T Ansell
2014 B Huxtable
2015 C French
2016 J King
2017 A Huxtable
2018 J King
2019 J Tyson
2020 Covid
2021 H Nicholl
2016 T Ansell
2017 A Huxtable
2018 J Rothery
2019 B Howe
2020 Covid
2021 J Moore
2017 J Rothery
2018 J Tyson
2019 R Windley
2020 Covid
2021 W Popham
1997 G Wray
1998 Mrs P Staddon
1999 D B Smale
2000 B J Palmer
2001 G Pickard
2002 C Dark
2003 Mrs H Overton
2004 H Cole
2005 R Dart
2006 M Overton
2007 A Cameron
2008 D Lea
2009 R Dart
2010 K Palmer
2011 B Heaman
2012 J Green
2013 F O’Donnell
2014 M Dart
2015 F O’Donnell
2016 M Ansell
2017 D Rothery
2018 S Wright
2019 J Thompson
2020 Covid
2021 T Richards
Club Officers & Committee 2024
Chairman: Mark Ansell
Pillhead House, Bideford, Devon EX39 4NF
Telephone: 07970262929.

Hon Secretary: Tony Richards
45 Goodwood Park Road, Bideford, North Devon. EX39 2RR
Telephone: 01237 477158.

Welfare Officer: Jan Witheridge
Telephone: 07749 810779

Hon Treasurer: Stuart Ware
Telephone: 07855 752394

Hon Fixture Secretary: Richard Clarke
Telephone: 07805 138754

Membership Secretary: Frankie Cooper
Telephone: 07850 743282
First Team Captain: Jack Moore
Telephone: 07484 759811

First Team Vice Captain: James Tyson
Telephone: 07960 454 938

Second Team Captain: Simon Wright
Telephone: 07577 479 720

Third Team Captain: Ali Poll
Telephone: 07810 845377
NDL Team Captain: James Tyson
Telephone: 07960 454 938

Tarka Ladies Manager: Jan Witheridge
Telephone 07749 810779.

Junior Co-ordinator: Simon Wright
Telephone: 07577 479 720

Other Committee Members: Andrew Cameron, Jonny Green, Matt Dart
Selection Committee 2024: Jack Moore, James Tyson, Jonny Green, Simon Wright, Richard Clarke, Ali Poll. (The selection committee meets at the club on Monday evenings at 7.45pm.
Honorary Umpires 2024: Michael Merrick, Stuart Ware, Mark Overton
Honorary Scorers 2024: Lucy Tyson, Dave Rothery, Steve Clarke
Groundsman: Andrew Cameron
Telephone: 01271 860470 Mobile: 07831 644198.

President, Vice Presidents and Patrons
Mr David Lea, Esq
Vice Presidents:
Mr F. Day, Esq
Mr J. Palmer, Esq
Mrs J. Shepherd
Mr M. J. Snell, Esq
Mrs D. Stevens
Dr B.P.A Andrews
Major General N G P Ansell
Mr A Ashworth
Mr M F Barnes
Mrs H Beecroft
Dr A G Cameron
Mr F Biederman
Mr & Mrs P Cantle
Mr A Robertson
Mr K A Palmer
Mr R J Chapple
Mr & Mrs A Frisby
Mr & Mrs M Overton
Mr B H Cooke
Dr M Curtner-Smith
Mr Peter Curzon
Mr C.B. Davies
Mr J McKinnel
Mr A Doulton
Mr J Drakeford
Mr R Q East
Mr S Thompson
Mr G White
Mr M.J Maynard
Dr J Miller
Mr & Mrs S Nicholson
Mr J Otway
Mr R Peel
Mr T Hedley
Mr & Mrs R Dart
Mr T F Richards
Mr & Mrs D Rothery
Mr G Rothery
Mr R E Sainsbury
Mr & Mrs N J Whitley
Mr P J Keeley
Mr J Sharman
Mr D Stanning
Mr R B Stone
Mr K R Symons
Mr S Smith
Mr C Townsend
Mrs M Traylor
Mr S Ware
Mr K Thompson
Mrs M Manning
Mr & Mrs A Jenn
Mr M Finney
Mr M Fishleigh
Mr & Mrs H Pearson
Mr P.R. George
Mr C Pettman
Mr C Payne
Mr P Parker
Mr S.J. Hopkins
Mr K Rutherford
Mr & Mrs M Evans
Mr N Evans
Mr J Evans
Major J S Ker
Mr H K Knighton
Mr & Mrs R Littlewood
Mr C Shipman
Mr J Maurice
Mr J Tucker
Mr B Walter
Mr D L Yorath
Chairman's Message
Welcome to North Devon CC in this very special summer, our Bi-Centenary. To think that we are continuing a 200 year tradition of playing cricket for North Devon CC is pretty
awesome. Alongside Sidmouth CC, we are the two oldest clubs in Devon, both founded in 1823 and both our 1st and 2nd XI’s will be playing each other in the Devon Cricket League (DCL) this season - our 1st XI’s will play each other in the Premier Division at Instow on Saturday 6th May, the opening day of the DCL season. This also happens to be the day of the Coronation of King Charles III, so definitely a big day to kick off the DCL season at NDCC.
We shall be celebrating the Bi-Centenary at events throughout the season, but the big date for all your diaries is the End of Season Bi-Centenary Party on Saturday 9th September.
2022 was another successful season across the club – the 1st XI under Tom Popham’s captaincy finishing 4th in the DCL Premier Division and the 2nd XI under Jonny Green’s taking their league by storm and gaining promotion to C Division East. With the 3rd XI dropping down a division to F Division East, we now have our 3 league teams spread sensibly across the league creating a great progressive path for our young talented players as they develop, alongside the opportunity to play in the North Devon League on Sundays and the many mid-week fixtures against touring teams. The other 2 key elements of the club are the North Devon Tarka Ladies and the Juniors, both of which are tirelessly organised by Jan Witheridge, for which alongside her role as Welfare Officer we are immensely grateful. Junior training will be at Instow on Monday evenings from 17th April, senior training will be on Wednesday evenings and North Devon Tarka Ladies training will be on Thursday evenings.
We are very grateful for the ongoing support of all our sponsors and this season’s sponsors day will be on Saturday 17th June for the 1st XI fixture against Cornwood CC. I also would like to take this opportunity to mention our landlord, Christie Devon Estates. We occupy our iconic ground at Instow thanks to a lease that was signed in 1884 (original rent £8 per year) and this year you will see that they have very kindly tarmacked a section of the access road, with a financial contribution from NDCC.
The club’s success is based on the incredible hard work of a fairly small group of volunteers who give up an enormous amount of their time. The more people there are in this group, the more enjoyable it is for those involved and the better it is for the health of the club. So, if you would like to help by taking on a role, however simple (such as umpiring, scoring, coaching, joining the Committee or volunteering behind the bar), then please do get in touch with myself, Tony, or another Committee member.
As committee members, our role is to be the guardians of your club and we try to make being part of the club as enjoyable and rewarding as possible, whether you are a player, patron or social member. We are doing our best, but if we do get it wrong please do feel able to offer constructive feedback to let us know, and feel able to offer help to put it right.
We wish all teams representing the club the best for a successful season, and I hope you all have a wonderful summer playing or watching cricket.
Mark Ansell, Chairman April 2023
Membership Fees 2023
For clarity – membership entitles members to park at the club on match days, at their own risk.
Cricketers – £80.00
Age Group U16 and Cricketers in Education – £50.00
Age Group U15 - Junior - £40
Tarka Ladies & Girls (Waived if Senior or Junior Member) – £25.00
Social Members – £40
Patrons – £50.00
Patrons Partner– £25.00
Please Note
Any Adult or Junior players whose subscriptions are not paid by the 25th April will not be considered for selection in any team until the fee is paid in full.
NDCC welcome new members of any age so please do download the relevant membership form HERE and for Colts please also bring a player profile form HERE or pick up a membership form from the pavilion if you would like to join.
Membership Form Adults Player Profile Form Colts Player Profile Form
Pay for your membership and complete your player profile form online
You can pay for membership for yourself, your children or partner online by following the link below. If you or your children are playing members of the club you can complete a player profile form at the same time.
Match Fees 2023
Saturday 1st and 2nd DL Games - Cricketers £8.00 & Cricketers in Education £5.00
Saturday 3rd DL Games - Cricketers £5.00 & Cricketers in Education £3.00
Sunday NDL Games Cricketers - £3.00 Cricketers in Education £5.00
Match fees are payable by all players whether or not a meal is consumed
Double Nelson Club Prize Draws 2023
When you submit your membership form you have the option of purchasing tickets for the Double Nelson Club. This is a means of raising funds for the club and issuing prizes to the lucky winners over the summer. The draw is carried out 4 times a year, with three winners each time.
Each Double Nelson ticket costs £6.00.
If you wish to purchase Double Nelson tickets, then please contact Jeremy Thompson on 07773 775 454.
This year the Draw will take place in the Pavilion at 8.00pm on the last Saturday of the month:
28th May: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
25th June: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
30th July: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
27th August: £75 and £50 + Attendance £25
Should the scheduled match on any of the above dates be cancelled then the draw will be postponed and take place on the next Saturday an adult game is played at Instow. Winners will be contacted by Jeremy Thompson via email or phone.
NDCC is a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) which means it is treated by HMRC as a charity. This means that any donations you make to the club are eligible for Gift Aid. Please complete and sign the attached Gift Aid form and email it to Tony Richards on so that we can claim the Gift Aid from HMRC and turn every £10 that you donate into £12.50.
Code of Conduct
North Devon Cricket Club is committed to promoting and maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct both on and off the field. This Code of Conduct applies to all players, officials and members of the club and any match played under the auspices of North Devon Cricket Club.
All players are asked to read and abide by the following:
Before Play
- Players must inform a member of the selection committee on or before selection meetings (Monday evenings) if they are unavailable for the following Saturday.
- Players will be informed by the respective captain of their selection and the required meeting time.
- Players who become unavailable after teams have been selected must inform the captain of the team for which they have been selected immediately, by phone.
- Late ‘cry-offs’ (Friday night or Saturday morning) disrupt your team and lower teams and are only acceptable in exceptional circumstances. Players who do not have an acceptable reason for such instances may jeopardise their selection for future games.
- Players who fail to turn up for a game will be asked to provide an explanation to the selection committee and if this is deemed unacceptable may be subject to suspension or any other sanction deemed appropriate.
- Practice is held on Wednesday evenings (6.00 pm to 8.30 pm). First Eleven players are expected to attend at least one practice per week. All players improve their chance of selection if they regularly attend practice.
On the Field
- The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as within the laws.
- Players, club officials and members must at all times accept the Umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards the umpire at any time.
- Players, club officials and members shall not at any time intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player, or a spectator.
- Players, club officials and members shall not use crude and/or abusive language, make offensive gestures nor deliberately distract an opponent.
- Players, club officials and members shall not make racial or sectarian comments or indulge in racial or sectarian actions against fellow players, officials, members or supporters. North Devon Cricket Club operates an ‘open door’ membership policy welcoming membership from all sections of the community.
- Players in teams below the first eleven must take their turn in umpiring, scoring or performing other tasks as instructed by the captain.
- All players must accept the decisions made by the captain on the pitch without question
North Devon Cricket Club would like to thank the following businesses and schools for their generous support;
Our main club sponsors: Roundswell Toyota, Wayfarer Inn and Chichester Homes
Our other generous supporters;
Abercorn Surveyors
Anchor Cottage
ARC Fitness
BJ’s Value House
Blundell’s School
Christie Devon Estates
Commodore Hotel
D.Curtis & Sons Builders
Evans Transport
Fire Protection Systems
GMEC Electrical
Johns of Instow
John Smale & Co
Kingsley School
Linton Support
Mitchell & Dickinson
Phillips Smith & Dunn
Pebble Ridge Kitchen
Pure Pilates
Slee Blackwell Solicitors
St Austell Brewery
The Bell, Chittlehampton
The Boathouse, Instow
The Royal George, Appledore
Together Financial Solutions
West of England Fire Protection
West Buckland School
1978 W Shepherd
1980 W L Walter
1981 W L Walter
1982 W L Walter
1983 W L Walter
1984 D Lea
1985 C Dark
1986 C Payne
1987 W H Pain
1988 D Bates
1989 T Tyers
1990 D S Hart
1991 C Payne
1992 J M Edwards
1993 I G Matthews
1994 B J Palmer & C Dark
1995 W H Pain
1996 F L Biederman
1997 G Hudson
1998 C Payne
1999 C Payne
2000 D Smale
2001 R Dart
2002 R Heaman
2003 G Hudson
2004 M Overton
2005 R Gear
2006 W Miller
2007 M Dart
2008 S Rhodes
2009 J A Ridge
2010 J A Ridge
2011 G A Jones
2012 Paul Heard
2013 C O’Donnell & D Lea
2014 A Cameron
2015 T Allin
2016 J King
2017 J Rogers
2018 J Green
2019 J King
2020 Covid
2021 M Dart
2013 B Huxtable
2014 J Overton
2015 M Curtis
2016 K Verreynne
2017 T Popham
2018 D Bowser
2019 B Howe
2020 Covid
2021 B Howe
2011 W Miller
2012 O Hunt
2013 J Kelly
2014 T Cook
2015 J Hockin
2016 R Ayre
2017 T Cook
2018 D Hartley
2019 J Atkinson
2020 Covid
2021 R Windley
2011 R Mann
2013 J Hussell & M Merrick
2014 B Heaman
2015 A Ashworth
2016 A Popham
2017 A Ashworth
2018 M Ansell
2019 P Pennington & N Ware
2020 Covid
2021 N Ware
1986 G Garder
1987 D Bates
1988 F Biederman
1989 L Hart
1990 G Stacey
1991 L Cousins
1992 L Hart
1993 B T Darch
1994 F Biederman
1995 W Parsons
1996 P S Hockerday
1997 C Buller
1998 M Heddon
1999 C Rogers
2000 M Heddon
2002 W Miller
2003 M Heddon
2004 B Gardiner
2005 D Pickard
2006 T Allin
2010 C Overton
2011 G Querl
2012 K Elliott
2013 T Ansell
2014 B Huxtable
2015 C French
2016 J King
2017 A Huxtable
2018 J King
2019 J Tyson
2020 Covid
2021 H Nicholl
2016 T Ansell
2017 A Huxtable
2018 J Rothery
2019 B Howe
2020 Covid
2021 J Moore
2017 J Rothery
2018 J Tyson
2019 R Windley
2020 Covid
2021 W Popham
1997 G Wray
1998 Mrs P Staddon
1999 D B Smale
2000 B J Palmer
2001 G Pickard
2002 C Dark
2003 Mrs H Overton
2004 H Cole
2005 R Dart
2006 M Overton
2007 A Cameron
2008 D Lea
2009 R Dart
2010 K Palmer
2011 B Heaman
2012 J Green
2013 F O’Donnell
2014 M Dart
2015 F O’Donnell
2016 M Ansell
2017 D Rothery
2018 S Wright
2019 J Thompson
2020 Covid
2021 T Richards