Tarka Ladies

Manager:Jan Witheridge
Telephone: 07749 810779
Email: janwith@hotmail.co.uk

Captain: Lauren Bowden
Email: lbowden19981@hotmail.com

TARKA LADIES was formed in 2012 in order to allow the few girls in each club in North Devon to get together to play in an all-girls team and in all girls competitions.

After 3 years of hard graft along with 178 teams across the UK, we entered National Lady Taverners U15 Hard Ball Competition and won!

The girls qualified again for the Final in 2016. We realised that there was no real player pathway for these incredible young ladies in North Devon and so, NDCC Tarka Senior Ladies was formed and they now play in the first division of Devon Women’s Cricket League where they have also enjoyed tremendous success.

We also compete in the DWCL Super8’s Competition and won the plate competition in 2020.

The Ladies are wonderfully welcoming. Younger players continue to represent their various clubs in mixed teams and come together for all girls matches.

Ladies aged 13+ train at NDCC Sandhills Instow on Thursday evenings through the summer. 18.15 – 19.45

League matches are played on Sundays. For information about ladies crickets in Devon see http://www.devoncricket.co.uk/Womens-Cricket. We also have a Facebook page.

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Super 8's Rules

DWCL Super8’s Competition

Game Rules

• Normal cricket and DWCL rules apply, except where detailed below.
• ECB guidance regarding COVID-19 must be adhered too.
• Each game shall be played between two teams of eight players
• Squads must be of no more than nine players.
• A game consists of a maximum of sixteen, six ball overs per innings.
• A team shall not be permitted to declare its innings closed.
• Players must be registered as per the DWCL rules. Instructions to do so can be found at https://play-cricket.ecb.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/360000960129-Member-Management-Nominating-A-Player-To-Play-In-A-League

All participants should check for symptoms of COVID19. If an individual is symptomatic and/or living in a household with a possible COVID19 infection, they should remain at home and follow UK guidance.

Any participants who have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace must not attend.

Competition Structure
• Group stage followed by finals weekend
• Group Stage
• 3 groups (2 with 4 teams, 1 with 3 teams) and games played over 4 weekends
• Each team with have one ‘rest’ weekend
• Finals Stage
• Winner of group A and B and the highest ranked runner up of Groups A or B will go through to the Trophy competition
• Winner and runner-up in group C and other runner up from Group A or B will go through to the Plate competition
o The Trophy Finals will be hosted by Tarka North Devon and the Plate Finals will be hosted by Bovey Tracey. Running order for the day will be confirmed week commencing 10 May.
• Games to be played on the following weekends:
o 18 April
o 25 April
o 2 May
o 9 May
o 16 May (Finals weekend)
• During the group stage, games will be hosted by individual clubs with up to 3 clubs per ground per day.

The maximum grouping of 30 per game day must not be exceeded, this includes players, coaches, umpires and scorers. To facilitate this, it is imperative that clubs do not have squads that exceed 9 individuals per game day and must submit their list of attendees to dwclsecretary@gmail.com in advance.

Clubs should consider whether a coach is required; if so, they must be included in the submitted list. It is suggested that captains should be able to take on the coaching role in most instances.

• With 3 clubs in attendance, an example format would be:
o A v B 11:00am – 1:10pm
o B v C 1:30pm – 3:40pm
o A v C 4:00pm – 6:10pm
In this instance, it is suggested the host club would be team ‘A’ to enable travelling teams to plan accordingly.


• Umpires will be provided by DACO.
• The cost of umpires will be met by the clubs at a cost of £35 per umpire per day. Each club will pay 50% of the total umpire cost per game they participate in. DWCL will pay the umpires and invoice the clubs for payment; no requirement to pay the umpires on the match day.
• In the event that only one DACO umpire is available, the batting team will be expected to provide a square leg umpire at all times.

The DACO umpires will be included in the tournament group of 30.

Should the batting team have to provide a square leg umpire, they must come from the batting team’s squad to ensure we remain within the designated grouping of 30 and MUST be familiar with the COVID-19 return to cricket regulations for umpires.

Umpires should refrain from any contact with the ball, it can be returned to the base of the stumps at breaks and wickets. Umpires should be responsible for the stumps closest to them and should be the only person replacing the bails if dislodged.


• Results and scoresheets should be completed on Play Cricket. If this isn’t possible a copy of the paper scoresheet must be sent to dwclsecretary@gmail.com by the Friday after the game.
• There will only be one scorer for each game.

A dedicated scorer for the day will be sought in advance of the fixture from the participant clubs. If someone volunteers, they will be included in the group of 30 and must score each game that day.

Where host grounds are able to provide the scorer for the day, they will only be able to access games involving their teams due to the individual club logins on play cricket. Therefore, when the host team isn’t playing, one team will need to provide the scorer with either a login to borrow for that game or a device (wiped clean with appropriate antibacterial wipes) which is already logged in to enable them to score the game. If this isn’t possible, paper scoresheets should be used and clear pictures emailed to dwclsecretary@gmail.com. In the event there is no designated scorer, each team must provide a scorer for their batting innings. This must be from their squad of 9 and hands must be sanitised immediately before and after touching the scorebook.

If a scorebox is used, social distancing must be maintained and no players to be allowed in the scorers’ box. The scorebox should be well ventilated.


Spectators are not currently permitted at Step 2. This does not apply to carers for people with disabilities, adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role or patrons attending the venue for hospitality. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.

All spectators MUST sign an attendance register at the host club

Before the Game

• Each side must provide the umpire with a team sheet before the match identifying any player who has not reached the age of 18 on the date of the match and showing the specific age group of all players.
• Captains must familiarise themselves with the Super8s rules prior to arriving at the ground. It is the captain’s responsibility to ensure their team follow the rules.
• Each team needs to provide a pink 5oz ball to use for both of their fielding innings on that day. It is the captain’s responsibility to look after the ball between games. If the Umpires deem your ball to be in poor condition for the start of your second game a new ball can be used.

Participants should bring their own hand sanitiser where possible and maintain strict and frequent hand hygiene measures at all times.

Participants should follow UK Government guidance on best practice for travel.

Participants should arrive changed and ready to begin the warm up, if possible.

Participants should enter the site and prepare their personal equipment whilst maintaining social distancing.

Clubs should not prepare food for participants. Individuals should bring their own food and drink for ‘teas’.

All attendees, including spectators, to sign a test and trace register and visiting captains MUST provide a full list of attendees from their club to the host club before play starts

During the Game

Players should limit sharing of equipment. If they do, they must practice strict hand hygiene before and after use and the equipment must be cleaned before use by another person.

All participants should sanitise their hands prior to the start of the activity.

Hand sanitiser should be used at all breaks in activity and prior to consuming any food or drinks. Players should refrain from spitting or rinsing out their mouths.

Players should adhere to UK Government social distancing guidance at all times.

A ‘hygiene break’ should take place every six overs, in which the ball is cleaned with an antimicrobial wipe and all participants hands are cleaned using a suitable sanitiser. This routine should also be followed at the start of any drinks break or the close of an innings. The responsibility for sanitising the ball during the match will lie with the fielding captain, not the umpire.

Delays or Interruptions to Play

• First Innings: If during the first innings circumstances delay or interrupt play, 2 overs per 7 minutes after the first 15 minutes will be deducted from the match total (ie 1 per innings)
• The first innings will define the number of overs the side batting second will have at the start of their innings
• Second Innings: If during the second innings circumstances delay or interrupt play to the extent of 3.5 minutes or more, 1 over shall be deducted from the second innings total for every 3.5 minutes delay. The target score will then be adjusted by using run rate from the first innings +1.
• There must be a minimum of 8 overs per innings to constitute a match.
• Bowling allowances will reduce depending on the number of overs – bowlers will not be allowed to bowl more than ¼ of the overs in an innings (unless this has already been exceeded before the interruption). Where the total number of overs is not divisible by 4, one additional over shall be allowed as necessary to make up the balance eg if 8 overs then bowling is restricted to 2 overs/bowler. If 10 overs, 2 bowlers can bowl a maximum of 3 overs and 2 others a maximum of 2.
• In the event of a delay, the scheduled start times for the remaining games can be adjusted accordingly to preserve a break between games. This should be agreed by the umpires and captains.

In the event of rain, participants should return to their own vehicle to maintain social distancing. Application of covers in the event of wet weather should be done whilst maintaining social distancing.


• Bowlers can bowl a maximum of 4 overs.
• The opening batters can bowl a maximum of 2 overs each.
• A maximum of 4 fielders only can be on either side of the wicket at any one time.
• A 25 yard fielding circle will be marked out and 3 fielders must be inside the ring at all times (excluding the bowler and wicket keeper)
• The wicket keeper and opening batsmen must be nominated prior to the toss of the coin.
• In no circumstances shall the nominated wicket keeper be allowed to bowl.
• Each team must provide a pink 5oz ball to use for both of their fielding innings on that day. If the Umpires deem your ball to be in poor condition for the start of your second game a new ball can be used.
• A wide shall be counted as two extra runs to the batting team. The ball is re-bowled.
• A no-ball shall be counted as two extra runs to the batting team. The ball is re-bowled as a free-hit.
• Each over, except the 16th, shall be a maximum of eight balls. If more than two extras are bowled, the extra is called, runs counted to the batting team and the ball is not re-bowled.
• The sixteenth over must have six legal deliveries.

No sweat or saliva is to be applied to the ball at any time.

An exception to social distancing is the distance between slip fielders.

Bowlers should not hand any personal items to the umpire. Bowlers should place these items at the boundary themselves. Social distancing must be maintained including during post-wicket celebrations, drinks breaks and tactical discussions. Minimise sharing of the ball in a match by limiting contact as the ball makes its way back to the bowler eg ball goes straight from wicketkeeper to bowler instead of around surrounding fielders.


• A new batter must be at the crease within two minutes of the outgoing batsman being dismissed, otherwise they will be timed out.
• The opening batters must not bowl more than 2 overs and should be nominated at the coin toss.
• The wicket-keeper cannot open the batting.
• A batter must retire at 30. They may resume their innings at the fall of the last wicket.
• Retired batters return in the order they retired.
• If a team is short sided or if a player is injured and unable to bat the opposition will nominate which batsman they require to bat again prior to the last batsman commencing their innings.

Batsman must main social distancing from the umpire at the non-strikers end and run on the opposite s

ide of the wicket to each other. Batters to sanitise their bat when leaving the field of play.


An exception to social distancing is when the wicket keeper is standing up to the stumps.

Wicket keepers to sanitise their gloves when leaving the field of play.

After the Game

All participants should sanitise their hands after the completion of activity.

Participants should exit whilst maintaining social distancing.

Game Results

• The team with the highest score at the end of the match will be declared the winner.
• If the scores of both teams are equal at the end of the game, the team losing the least amount of wickets in their innings will be declared the winner.
• If the scores are still equal, the game will be declared a tie.
• Captains should submit their nomination for ‘players player’ from the opposition to dwclsecretary@gmail.com by the Friday following the game
• Captains should submit their nomination for ‘Spirit of Cricket’ from the opposition to dwclsecretary@gmail.com by the Friday following the game. The nominated player must be U18.
• Players Player and Spirit of Cricket nominations will be included in the overall nominations for the season, including the 35 over league, with the winner announced at the end of the 2021 season.

Points system

• Win - 3 points
• Tie – 1 point
• Abandoned – 1 point
• Lose - 0 points
• Bonus Points:
o 1 point to the batting side for scoring over 100 runs in their innings (based on run rate if successfully chasing down a score of less than 100 in the second innings)
o 1 point for the bowling side for taking 6 wickets or more
• Should a team concede:
o 3 points awarded to the opposition
• Should any teams in the group stages be tied on points, teams will be separated using net run-rate.

Coaches, Captains, Players and Umpires are responsible for upholding the "Spirit of Cricket".

Adherence with group of 30: Clubs groups of max. 9 (including playing squad and coach) x 3 = 27 DACO umpire x 2 = 29 Designated scorer for day x 1 = 30

If no designated scorer, the squad of 9 must provide a scorer for the teams batting innings.

Our Sponsors

Like most local cricket clubs NDCC would not be able to survive were it not for the generosity of our sponsors. This year our main sponsor is SCC Toyota Roundswell.
