January Update and Membership

Firstly, and most importantly, on behalf of NDCC we wish you all the best for 2021 and hope that you and your family are fit and well and have managed to stay safe from the scourge of COVID-19.
Let us hope that Boris is to be believed and the vaccine roll out goes to plan, so that we should have come out of lockdown and be in a period of reducing restrictions just in time for the cricket season to begin in April and the Devon Leagues to begin on time in full in May. After such a frustrating winter, the thought of summer days and cricket at NDCC is particularly appealing.

In the disrupted 2020 season, it was wonderful to see such enthusiasm for cricket as we all valued the chance to play and socialise so much after the spring lockdown, so I hope that we can carry that same feeling into 2021. I am delighted that Tom Popham will continue as Club Captain and will be leading the 1st XI in the A Division of the Devon League in our mission to achieve promotion back up to the Premier.
This season we are sending out the call for subscription renewal rather earlier than in the past. This is so that we can make sure that everyone is signed up correctly before the season begins and that we send the 2021 Yearbooks out in the spring to the correct membership.
A few quick points for you;

  • The pavilion is now a fine venue for a party, so if you would like to hold any sort of social event at the club (team, family or company get together, birthday, wake or wedding) then please do contact Matt Dart on matthew.dart@openreach.co.uk in order to make the booking.
  • This is also a chance for us to make a plea for volunteers – scoring and umpiring are great ways to enjoy cricket and become part of a team if you are not of an age or inclination to play, so please do let one of the Committee members know if you are interested.
  • 2023 will be a historic year for the club – our Bicentenary (yes, it is 200 years since the club started in 1823). If you have some ideas or thoughts as to how we might celebrate this, or would like to be involved in organising something, then please do contact Tony Richards, Matt Dart or Mark Ansell.

Jeremy Thompson is our Membership Secretary, so please find the sumembership form here.  As we are looking to update our club records we request all members to complete this form detailing your membership and subscription fee.  The simplest payment method is by making a bank transfer to North Devon Cricket Club Limited, Acc No 90454145 and Sort Code 09-01-27 and sending an email to Membership@NDCC.org.uk confirming you have made the payment and your membership form. If you prefer to do this by post, please write a cheque to NDCC Ltd and enclose the completed subscription form and return it to; Jeremy Thompson, 10 Venn Close, Rectory Lane, Instow EX39 4LZ.  If you wish to deliver your sub by hand please pass to Jeremy Thompson, Tony Richards, or myself directly, please DO NOT hand into the Bar.

This year we are keeping all membership fees at the same level as they were in 2019. A way you can support the club a little more financially is by buying some Double Nelson tickets. To purchase tickets at £6.00 each, please complete the section on the enclosed tear off slip with your subscription. If every member who currently does not usually buy tickets bought at least one ticket it would raise SIGNIFICANTLY more funds for the club. There are four draws held on Saturday evenings across the season (dates will be shown in the Yearbook). Each month the prizes are £75.00 and £50.00, with an attendance draw of £25.00 for someone in the pavilion at the time of the draw in the evening after a home fixture.

Membership will include a car parking sticker and yearbook which will be sent out prior to the new season.

Thank you for all of your support and let’s hope for a really successful and enjoyable 2021 season on and off the pitch.

Yours sincerely

Mark Ansell                                                                 Jeremy Thompson
Chairman                                                                     Membership Secretary