This week saw NDCC chairman Mark Ansell handing over a cheque to Devon Air Ambulance Trust following the Tom Allin Memorial T20 tournament and fund raising day held at NDCC on 23rd April. In total £4,100 was raised on the day with a further £2,000 donation from Santander Bank making the grand total from the event £6,100. In the photo …
TA Memorial Day, £6k Raised
Saturday was a great success in lots of ways – beautiful day (if a bit chilly), lots of people, a respectful minute’s silence before play started, wonderful support from all Tom’s former team mates at Bideford, NDCC and Devon, some entertaining cricket (big sixes over the pavilion from Tom’s former team mate Chris Metters so the Tom Allin XI won …
Tom Allin Memorial Day at NDCC Saturday 23rd April
Dear NDCC Member/Supporter Here are the details of the plan for the Tom Allin Memorial Day at Instow on Saturday in aid of Devon Air Ambulance. Three teams will be playing a 10 overs per side tournament. Bideford CC will be captained by Paul Heard, NDCC by Barney Huxtable and the Tom Allin XI by Chris Metters. The outline programme …
Tom Allin 1987 – 2016
The whole of North Devon Cricket Club and the wider cricketing community is sadly having to come to terms with the tragic death of Tom Allin. Tom was a key part of our championship winning team of 2007 and then returned to us in 2013 following his 6 years with Warwickshire CCC and was a highly respected member of the …